things we've written
We are here Venice Featured in UNESCO’s “World Heritage Watch Report 2024” 21/12/2023
Newsletter 2023 18/05/2022
The 5 Years (2015-2020) Report 03/11/2021
Restoring for the climate: a review of coastal wetland restoration research in the last 30 years (2021) 20/10/2020
Aroop – Issue on Failure 17/07/2020
Whose City Is It Anyway? 06/04/2020
Newsletter Spring 2020 01/04/2020
Ships in the Dark: On the inadequacy of cruise ship safety measures in the time of Covid-19 01/04/2020
How to make your own anti-cruise ship awareness campaign 23/03/2020
Newsletter 2019 15/03/2020
Sorry, we are closed: Empty Venice in the early days of the COVID-19/Coronavirus precautionary “lockdown” 20/02/2020
WahV at the Cartagena Cruise Dialogue 2020 27/06/2019
How was it for you? (2019) 02/05/2019
Critical care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet (2019) 24/04/2019
Do we know where Venice is going? A conference organised by Confartigianato, Ateneo Veneto, 15.02.2019 09/03/2018
Book Launch: Donne come noi 12/02/2018
“Let the Mediterranean breathe” – workshop on atmospheric pollution in maritime sector 05/02/2018
Pre-WahV Biennale-related experience 23/12/2017
Critical research on changes in lagoon circulation 13/12/2017
Let the Mediterranean Breathe 26/06/2017
Femminist Futures of Spatial Practice: materialisms, activisms, dialogues, pedagogies, projections 23/09/2016
Acqua in Piazza (2016) 05/08/2016
Expert Legal Advice 20/03/2015
Vogliamo Venezia (2015) 07/11/2014
2014 “Gruppo Spontaneo Ca’ Tron – Contorta” 23/10/2010
Villa Frankenstein Vol. #2 (2010) 10/03/2010
2010 Why the Health of the Venice Lagoon Has Implications for the City’s Heritage 10/03/2009
The Venice Report (2009) 10/03/2006
2006 The Science of Saving Venice (The Venice in Peril Fund)