WahV constantly maps widespread opposition to large cruiseships in Venice. There are many types of signal throughout the city in a wide variety of locations from anonymous lampposts and steps on bridges to people’s homes, there are subtle reminders as well as shouts of outrage.
We began this collection to show the world that the Venetians are far from passive about this continuing perversion of the destiny of Venice, the lagoon and civic life. A solution to the problem is entirely within the remit of the Italian Prime Minister, in consultation with the Ministries for Public Works & Infrastructure, Environment and Culture. There is no official Expert Review of available options together with their economic, environmental and social implications for Venice, the region and Italy. The most recent scientific studies on questions most relevant to cruise traffic in the lagoon was commissioned by the Port Authority and coordinated by Corila in 2015/2016. The results are due to be made public.
Representation of the interests of Venice – its heritage, the lagoon environment and the preferences of all its residents – depends on the determination and capability of the Mayor of Venice to take this all into consideration and ensure that it is factored into decision-making processes in Rome.
The Comitato No Navi is organising a popular referendum on June 18 that is designed to provide clear indications for policy makers: “do you want cruise ships to remain outside the Venice Lagoon and that no further dredging is carried out in the Lagoon?”. WahV fully supports this action as the first step to getting citizens’ voices heard.